The Foundation’s main aim is to promote, develop and coordinate, principally at Courmayeur, research, studies, experiments and the organisation of meetings for further analysis and to publish factual knowledge concerning contemporary social issues of law and economics, with a particular focus on the international context.
Congress "CIME in Milan – Networks, research, innovation for mountains"
Milan, December 11-12 2017
Mountain medicine and telemedicine
Conference on "Mountain medicine and telemedicine"
Courmayeur, Congress Center, December 7 2017
Mountain wine growers: the Aosta Valley experience
Meeting on Mountain wine growers: the Aosta Valley experience in cooperation with Censis and Institut Agricole Régional
Aosta, December 4 2017
Architettura alpina contemporanea
Seminario di studi "Architettura Alpina Contemporanea: un passaggio a Nord-Ovest?"
Inaugurazione della mostra Rassegna 2016 - Architetti Arco Alpino Architetti
Sabato 2 dicembre 2017, ore 10.00-18.00
Ostana, Frazione Sant'Antonio, Centro culturale Lou Pourtoun
Congress on "The house in the Aosta Valley. Entre histoire et innovation", organized by Celva with the Courmayeur Foundation patronage
Aosta, December 1 2017
Course Perizie Incidente in Valanga, in cooperation with Montagna Sicura Foundation and AINEVA-Italian Interregional Association Snow and Avalanches
Courmayeur, November 22-24 2017
The future in the Alps. Buildings for culture in mountain areas
Congress on "The future in the Alps. Buildings for culture in mountain areas", in cooperation with the Aosta Order of Architects
Aosta, November 11 2017
La banca nel nuovo ordinamento europeo: luci e ombre
XXXI Conference "Adolfo Beria di Argentine" on civil law
Courmayeur, September 22-23 2017
Mid-August Panorama: the economy, society, institutions
Meeting with Federica Brignone on "Hundredths of a second and hundreds of hours of training. Competitive sport today"
Courmayeur, August 22 2017
The Foundation activities
Via Roma, 88/d - 11013 Courmayeur (AO) - Aosta Valley - I
Tel . +39 0165 84 64 98 - Fax +39 0165 84 59 19
C.F. 91016910076
Our offices are open
Monday to Friday from 08.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. and from 01.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.