The Foundation’s main aim is to promote, develop and coordinate, principally at Courmayeur, research, studies, experiments and the organisation of meetings for further analysis and to publish factual knowledge concerning contemporary social issues of law and economics, with a particular focus on the international context.

Rassegna stampa (Link)

Mario Deaglio (17 AUGUST 2019)

Domenico Siniscalco (16 AUGUST 2019)

Francesca Canepa (13 AUGUST 2019)

Marta Cartabia e Luciano Violante (10 AUGUST 2019)

Yoga Mountain Festival Valle d'Aosta (30 JUNE 2019)

Training and work in the Francophone context (28 MARCH 2019)

Managerial management as a successful asset (8 MARCH 2019)

La casa nella Pineta (29 DECEMBER 2018)

beginning end

The Foundation activities

Via Roma, 88/d - 11013 Courmayeur (AO) - Aosta Valley - I
Tel . +39 0165 84 64 98 - Fax +39 0165 84 59 19
C.F. 91016910076

Our offices are open
Monday to Friday from 08.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. and from 01.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.

in caricamento